Tammy Roberts Author Blog

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Praise God Inspite Of

raise God In Spite Of……
It is easy for us to be grateful when everything is going our way, but it becomes difficult to maintain that attitude when the road gets rough. When a loved one dies, when we become ill, or when financial problem occur, we need to be able to praise God. We need to have a thankful spirit in times of trial, confident that God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
In Acts 16:25-26 Paul and Silas were in prison singing praises to God. An earthquake suddenly came and shook the foundation of the prison, when that occurred all the doors opened and every ones chains were loosed.
Prison in bible times were miserable places, void of even the most basic comforts. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison, we know they didn’t want to be in that situation, but instead of them letting it get them down they praised God. They praised their way through. Acts 16:25 says that they prayed and sang praises unto God and as they were praising, things started to happen. A great earthquake came and shook the foundation of the prison and the doors opened, and chains fell from the prisoners. They praised God in spite of their circumstances.
That same thing can happen for us. If we want to shake things up, see doors open and chain break, begin to praise God in spite of your circumstances.
When the doctor gives us bad news, praise God, when all the bills are due and we don’t know how we will get them paid, praise God, when our family is acting up, praise God, when it looks like everything in our life has crumbled, praise God.
Praise always brings us closer to God. If we start praising, even when we don’t feel like it, something will happen.
Praise is not a matter of emotion, it is an expression of faith. Praise is not something you engage in simply when we feel like it. The psalmist said, “I bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Therefore we must understand that praise is not reserved for church. We have to make it a lifestyle. Praise Him at work, school, and home. We have to praise Him in spite of…
When things aren’t going right for us, when we are down and depressed, there is no incentive for our natural minds to praise God. Our minds will actually encourage us to wallow in our misery and to feel sorry for ourselves. That is the complete opposite of what we should do, we should praise God in spite of… Whether you are in the wilderness or the promise land, when we rejoice and sing praises, things start to happen. As your praises go up, God’s blessings come down. Nehemiah 8:10 says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Praise will help to heal our emotions and lift the weight of negativity we may be living under. Praise God in spite of…
When we praise God it not only helps us to think of the good, but it reminds us of all that is possible through Him. It reminds us that we’re not limited by the physical realm, but we have access to the spiritual realm.
Before David was a soldier or a king, he killed Goliath with a slingshot and a stone. We don’t need an army to defeat our giants, just a well-aimed scripture backed up with a shout of praise. We have to praise God in spite of…
Anybody can praise God when everything is going good, but we have to learn to praise Him when we’re in the trenches and He’ll defeat whatever’s waging war against us. Praise God in spite of…
A praise filled environment will stops Satan dead in his tracks, because he knows God lives in that kind of atmosphere.
Look at the word magnify, it is another word for praise. If we were to look at the words in your bible through a magnifying glass, it would not change their size, shape, or meaning in any way, all that would change would be our perception, and the words would appear larger and clearer. It is the same when we praise or magnify God, He has not changed, but our perception of Him has, so praise God in spite of.

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